Isaiah 6:8

8 Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?”And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”

Friday, January 30, 2015

A Happy Meal - Communion Concept For Children

I'm sure that everyone here this morning knows what that special kid’s meal at McDonalds is called! That's right! It is a McDonald's Happy Meal. Have you ever had a Happy Meal? What's your favorite part of a Happy Meal? For most children, their favorite part of the Happy Meal is the toy. I will have to be honest with you, I'm not too happy about the toys in a Happy Meal. They look pretty cheap to me  and they don’t last very long. Even if it does last, it doesn't do much of anything and I'm sure it won't keep me happy for very long. I will admit that I was pretty happy about the fries, but as good as they were, when they were gone, I wasn't really satisfied. I still wanted more. That's the trouble with a McDonald's Happy Meal -- the happiness just doesn't last.

Did you know that our church has a happy meal? Well, we do -- and we are going to have a happy meal right here in this worship service this morning. This is what our happy meal looks like. It is a small piece of bread and a little glass of juice.

 The bread represents the body of Jesus and the juice represents his blood. When we eat this Happy Meal, we are reminded that Jesus loved us so much that he died on the cross so that you and I could have everlasting life in heaven with him. Now, that is something to be happy about!

 I have a poem that might help you to remember the meaning of our Happy Meal.

The Savior's Happy Meal
 This Happy Meal doesn't look like much,
 And it doesn't come with a toy.
 It may not fill my stomach,
 But it fills my heart with joy!
 The bread and juice remind me of
 The Savior's love for me;
 When he died upon a rugged cross
 On a hill called Calvary.
 There is no way I can describe
 The gratitude I feel
 Each and every time I eat
 The Savior's Happy Meal!

 Thank you, Heavenly Father, for Jesus' death and resurrection. Thank you also for the Happy Meal we will eat today as a reminder of what Jesus has done for us. Amen.

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